Friday, July 1, 2011

Chicago to NYC

I want to go to the city again and sit on a park bench with a mitten-clad hand and read Kate Chopin's The Awakening. I want to go to New York City with someone I love. I want to laugh. I want so much and it never seems to happen. Because I never act. But I will. Act now. Now! Maybe I'll have to break a few rules to do it, but I will. I'll break them all. I just need to find me again! I will. I just need people <3 And a city. AND TO BE ALONE. Unleashed? I want to write until my fingers bleed. Maybe it's Sufjan. Maybe it's love. Maybe it's that I am nostalgic for 2 years ago. Maybe.

New York, New York, maybe I'll give you another chance.

Do you ever get moments where you just feel like not a human, but something better, something more natural and real and touchable? I know I'm not the prettiest or the funniest or the smartest or the most sociable girl in the world, but sometimes I just feel right. Sometimes the window is right and the moon and stars and night. I just wish more was happening. Although--

I asked for that last year. Look what I got. I wish for that 3 years ago. Look what I got. But maybe the pain is good. I just need a new thing to pain over, heh. Heh. Heh. That's the way the mushrooms roll I guess.

I saw Shawshank Redemption and was like "Damn why can't I be that intelligent and boss?" Maybe the problem is that I keep asking for it. You know? If I stop trying so hard, looking so hard, maybe all will fall into place. Just sit back and enjoy what I have. Simple, yet so difficult. I will get there. Don't be so shy don't be so holding back just be free. That's what I tell myself. There's so much I want to write, but I'll find those words in poetry. Happy fourth :) I wish everyone well. I want to help a hurt cat. Or help someone carry groceries. Or kiss someone on the cheek who I am not in love with. I want to be that awkwardly affectionate person who kisses people on the cheek as a friendly gesture and nothing more. ANYWAY. Shawshank Redemption was about hope. And I'm one of those silly girls who has SO much hope for everything: the perfect life, house, children, husband, everything... I know it's foolish and will turn into hurt and pain... but still. It's all that keeps me looking toward the future and away from the past.

We sold our clothes to the state (I don't mind)

Things I must do this summer

1. Sneak out
2. Do something I am deeply afraid of
3. Make a friend
4. Talk to you
5. Talk to you
6. Go somewhere alone
7. Learn to drive
8. Be absolutely insane
9. Find me again.