Saturday, January 16, 2010

The New Main Street

Leaving Quinn's, or a place that is not Quinn's,
His straightened back gives the insider
a feel for the scene and the Texan chill.
But what it's doesn't hint to
Is what happened in Quinn's,
or the place that is not Quinn's
or what happened at home
or over the phone with a girl who is his wife
or maybe not his wife at all.
It also doesn't provide an appropriate
background of the day's events
that somehow led him to this side of town.
The phone calls he made beforehand,
or the appointments he set up or cancelled
just to get some coffee at not-Quinn's.
The late birthday card that he mailed off
with a lick or torpor, drop drop into the mailbox
to be handled by men he doesn't know.

Or maybe he just wanted some coffee.
I guess I'll never know.

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