Isn't that hilarious? Hilarious? I thought it in one moment and then the next, I was on the wooden floors that collapsed a couple years ago--(makeshift floor)--and I'm laughing so hard. It's so fucking hilarious. I picked up my pink notebook and laughed my way to the door. A jolly, rotund laugh that was shaped on each side: not a curve with an inch bearing mistaken craftsmanship, not a slight change in noted lack of geometry, not on any piece of the laugh. I liked my laugh.
And you know about those facets? Well, yes, those facets. Like rubies next to a rich man's diamonds. They are a repast of every final and fanciful thought, and they reflect much like children onto the world. They broke some time ago, but it doesn't mean I don't think there "might be some good ones" and I "might make a dollar." Regina. Queen. Well, they're they're they're screwed up doctor! DOCTOR! They're screwed up! Says the man from behind the magazine with a face. The face on the magazine is pretty. The man behind her face is not. The doctor is a somewhat tepid drug cocktail of the two, ironically enough.
And these are the garden rose paths my mind goes on each and every moment. Apres vu, Le deluge. Every 3 seconds--One second to 100 scenes. At the sound of speech's voice, because I'm just human although I deny that truth every time I write and chance it at becoming something more, or something less (that subtle difference I have not differentiated yet). And thus it is dust, like Pattie said. Pattie the pioneer! Am I making an allusion, excuse me? Slap me, please. I am a yuppie.
"It felt just like falling in love-- again."
The ugliest lyrics were written.
Sung in the most eloquent susurrus of the fingers.
I'm so off topic. Yes, the facets. Well yes yes. And I sat in my father's car and thought of miscommunication and memories I would like to forget but not right now because they're still happening. And I thought about how I don't laugh. I wondered how the world saw me. A square; I'm a square. I don't really ever laugh, I just live. "Live, laugh, love." I do the first and the last... I leave the middle one to the moments where I don't intend to. The badinage: "Oh, Oh, Colloquial Text Inserted Here!" "HA-HA-HA."
The second idiot is me. I laugh. I laugh? I laugh in my mind a lot. Because everything is funny in there because it all makes sense the split second, the e, the unreachable interval after it transpires.
And you know: there are so many unformulated math formulas.
And You Know.
They just sounded much like children.
And look what I got.
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