Friday, January 23, 2015

Swing Swing

It's not going away. It's taking a lifetime.

Dear lovely one person who reads this that I know about,

I started a new blog. Go there.

Anyways, what's happened since April 2014? Dee left. I stopped seeing Ryan. I went to Botswana. I became too reasonable. I met someone who is an incredibly good person to know. That's the only way I could describe Isaiah. I meet people who are so shut off, so hard to talk to, so normal. The first time we met, smoking cigarettes outside, I knew he was different. Then he invited me over the next time. He visited me at work with his friend. I'll tell you: I see lots of people. This place is big. I don't talk to a lot of them because I'm shy and nervous but mostly quiet, but Isaiah is different and better than most of them. He's got too much love in his frame. I'm lucky to have met the kid.

Last night I went swing dancing with Steven. It was so lovely. First of all, although Steven can be very infuriating (especially when I'm trying to give him directions to pick me up and I'm waiting in the cold IN A FUCKING DRESS AND DANCE SHOES), he is a brilliant dancer. He's a gentleman for sure, opens doors and insists that boys should always ask girls to dance. He's pretty traditional. I thought there was going to be more people there, like Val and Carlo, but it ended up being me and him. I was worried at first but my god he's a good dancer! He can to the spins and the dips and it's awesome as fuck. Guys that can dance: you are twice as sexy as guys who can't dance. Guys with confidence: you are sexy as fuck. Guys with manners: marry me. Guys who can play guitar and sing: I will have your child. Ohmygod. I'm too fucking straight. Ugh.

I woke up sweating at 6 am. It was weird. I kept dreaming I was back at the Fed dancing with Steven and other guys I met. 

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