Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanks to be Given

Happy happy thanksgiving! What am I thankful for? In no particular order other than the one in which they came to my brain:
1) Notre Dame. For everything working out well... Things could have gone so wrong. Knowing me, yeah. But maybe someone (including myself) was looking out for me, guiding me to be successful. I'm proud of myself. I mean, look at me! I'm a pretty cool chick. Gotta admit it. ;-)
2) My parents. Although they usually annoy me to no end, I am glad they support me and love me. They're my foundation that I don't really notice or thank enough.
3) Robin. I love Huckleberry! She is my newest best friend and I'm glad to have her in my life. I'm so happy to see her every day, even when she annoys me or something.
4) Jenna. Although we don't really talk, I'm grateful for what she's taught me.
5) My whole life. It's been a great lesson so far.
6) The unexplained happiness of 7 months time. Who knows? I'll go with it.
7) My ability to reason. I love my reason and my little bit of wisdom. I cherish it. I love it more than any knowledge I could spew out, because knowledge only gets you so far. Wisdom gets you around and out.
8) Zach. I don't know why, but I love him still. I just can't shake him. I don't think I want to. I just enjoy whatever it is that is happening, although sometimes it hurts and sometimes it doesn't.
9) The conversation we had tonight.
10) Jeannette. She makes me laugh when I don't think I can. Even though she can be mean and cuss and stuff, she's really just a sweet girl.
11) Celeste and Gracie, who challenge me.
12) Monica, for making me smile with her sense of humour similar to mine and for teaching me new things.
13) Connor, for being patient and nice and a good explorer.
14) Lauren, for her absolute wonderfulness and sweetness to the world. I am thankful, too, that she is doing better and has found a nice boy, Alex.
15) Music. Forever.
16) My health. Gotta put it on here! I can't just take it for granted. I mean, seriously. I complain and bitch about shit, but I have it so easy. I realise this and I'm not ashamed. Why be ashamed? Be grateful!
17) My pets. They're cute.
18) Feeling at home somewhere.
19) Food. Food. Food. Yum.
20) I'm looking forward to Saturday. The Beatles in film. Creepy barn. Longboarding. Elliott Smith on Vinyl. What sounds better? And with an awesome friend. Oh yeah, that sounds better.
21) Gotta admit... Spotify and Netflix. *Hipster embarrassment*
22) I love my classes (expect Theology)!

There's a lot more, but they're little things like *literature* and *Elliott Smith*... They matter, but my hand hurts. Love more.

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