Sunday, May 25, 2008

It Was Better When I Was Denying This

okay so this is going to make no sense to you.

i saw what she had said. about how she missed us. about how we got her through her darkest times, and we were the reason she was still living. i can relate, i really can, but it's sad to see that i'm credited where i shouldn't be. i remember, i would blow her off because she wasn't my friend. i would avoid her because i didn't want to talk to her. and when i did, talk to her, i'd want to be somewhere else.

such a good "friend", right?

lately things have been either great or horrible with my friends. i either feel great to be around them, sad that they're moving on, or guilty that i don't care.

and some people are right sometimes.


Keith said...

I found you on an old post from another person..... Thought I would click, and say hi. Keep smiling.

grey.skies.dark.lies said...

thank you keith. i appriciate it.